NL|Employer Service - "External and flexible employership, simply through the accountant or the better payroll agency"
Company summary
NL|Employer Service is the trade name of the issuing institution Periodieq B.V.
“External and flexible employership, simply through your trusted accountant and/or payroll agency!” We unburden employers. Companies no longer have to worry about processing wages, illness and absenteeism.
Exclusively through the better accountancy firm and/or specialized payroll agency
· Always an employment contract in accordance with the correct collective labor agreement
· Is fully equipped for WAB legislation as of 1-1-2020
· Continue to maintain the financial benefits of self-employment
· To bear full tax and legal responsibility
· Fully insure employees against illness and absenteeism
· Correct and timely payment of payroll taxes and pension contributions
· Fully insured services (from debtor to pay slip)
More information can be found in the AFM Information Memorandum.
Als financieel adviseurs, fiscalisten en loonadministrateurs merken wij keer op keer dat payroll erg kostbaar is en niet voorbereid is op de nieuwe wetgeving van 2020. Veel van onze klanten zouden graag werken met extern werkgeverschap, maar dat is door de kosten en complexiteit vaak niet mogelijk.
"De NL-Werkgeversdienst neemt alle zorg uit handen"