Petservice Holding
Petservice Holding NV (former NPRM NV) currently consists of three parts that form a healthy basis for 'animal health and welfare'
Company summary
In the Netherlands there are more than 2.9 million cats, 1.5 million dogs and more than two million rabbits, rodents and reptiles. In addition, the sector assumes 450,000 registered horses; there are probably more than 800,000. There are also tens of thousands of donkeys and other ungulates. As a result, more than four million households have one or more animals with which they have a bond, which have a name and which are carefully cared for.
The animal care market in the Netherlands is worth approximately 2 billion euros, of which approximately 1 billion in pet supplies and food and approximately 0.5 billion through the more than 1,200 veterinary practices in the Netherlands. The annual maintenance costs of a dog or cat are above 500 euros, and for a rodent or bird these costs can also amount to hundreds of euros per year.
Many local service providers started out of passion for the animals and partnerships have a small-scale character. There is certainly media attention for animal care, but spread over various producers. There are various industry associations that work together to a greater or lesser extent. There are a limited number of larger international players in the pharmaceutical and food sectors.
In this market, NPRM group wants to play a distinctive role and bring a multitude of services together. With a clear philosophy and a clear business plan, the players behind NPRM started last year with bringing activities together and with a lean market approach, in which new plans are immediately tested on a small-scale and then expanded.
NPRM remains focused on growth through further expansion of current activities and strategic acquisitions. At the time of writing, several talks are underway for further acquisitions and growth all within 'animal health and welfare'.
Company structure